A couple of months ago I wrote a tutorial on how to make a GUI in C, which was published (in English) on the Amiga-News.de website. This tutorial also fitted in as an example for my first book The complete source of the example can be downloaded from the downloads page. Since the book is also intended for assembly programmers I decided to produce a similar example source to do the same GUI related things in assembly. This post is not as much a tutorial but more a accompanying text to the assembly source, which has also been made available on the download page.
The Example
To keep in line with the book, the example uses the Gadtools library for the GUI and requires a Kickstart 2.x ROM or newer. It uses the same V3.9 NDK (Native development Kit) and setup as the book and has been tested with Asm-Pro as well as HiSoft DevPac.
Since the NDK does not contain a header file for the gadtools.library itself I have added the library offsets for the various Gadtools functions at the top of the source file. This is the main reason why the Gadtools functions do not start with the _LVO prefix, while all other OS related functions do.
Rather than reproducing the whole source here, I will highlight interesting parts of the source to further explain what they do. Please note that the sources have not been optimised for speed or size since I wanted to maintain readability. So instead of juggling various registers to keep as much data in the CPU as possible I chose to store and retrieve stuff from labelled memory locations to make it easier to follow.
Opening the window
The window is opened using the OpenWindowTagList() function, which is part of the Intuition library. This function was introduced with Kickstart 2.0 (V36).
OpenWindow: MOVE.L IntBase(PC),a6 ; a6 = IntBase
SUB.L a0,a0 ; APTR NewWindow = null
LEA.L .Tags(PC),a1 ; APTR taglist
JSR _LVOOpenWindowTagList(a6)
MOVE.L d0,MainWin ; Sets Z-flag when null
.Tags DC.L WA_Width,200
DC.L WA_Height,100
DC.L WA_Title,.Title
DC.L WA_DragBar,1
DC.L WA_DepthGadget,1
DC.L WA_Activate,1
DC.L WA_CloseGadget,1
DC.L WA_NewLookMenus,1
.Title DC.B "Hello World!",0
After opening the window, a the pointer to the Window structure is stored in the MainWin location so it can be used later. This action also sets the Z-flag so that the calling function can check for errors and exit the program if for some reason the window could not be opened.
Creating and adding the menu
For the creation of the menu bar the Gadtools library is used. This makes menu creation much simpler compared to using only the functionality provided by Intuition. As an added bonus Gadtools will also calculate all locations and sizes depending on the selected font.
This happens in three distinct steps. The first is the call to CreateMenu(), which converts the array of Gadtools' NewMenu structs into a linked list of Intuition's Menu and MenuItem structs. This is followed by the call to LayoutMenus(), which will calculate the sizes and locations of all the elements in the menu. The last step is to actually add the menu to the window and this is done by calling the Intuition function SetMenuStrip().
CreateMenu: MOVE.L GadBase(PC),a6 ; a6 = GadBase
LEA.L .NMArray(PC),a0 ; APTR NewMenu array
SUB.L a1,a1 ; APTR Taglist = null
JSR CreateMenus(a6)
MOVE.L d0,WinMenu ; APTR Intuition menu
BEQ.B .NoMenu ; Null means error
; Set sizes and locations in menu
MOVE.L d0,a0 ; APTR Menu
MOVE.L VisualInfo(PC),a1 ; APTR VistualInfo
SUB.L a2,a2 ; APTR Taglist = null
JSR LayoutMenus(a6)
TST.L d0 ; ULONG Success
BEQ.B .NoMenu ; Skip if there was an error
; Attach the menu to the window
MOVE.L IntBase(PC),a6 ; a6 = IntBase
MOVE.L MainWin(PC),a0 ; APTR Window
MOVE.L WinMenu(PC),a1 ; APTR Menu
JSR _LVOSetMenuStrip(a6)
.NoMenu RTS
The address of the menu is stored in WinMenu. It will be needed later to free the menu from memory and to update the contents of the menu while the program is running. For brevity I've left the large array of NewMenu structs out here.
Creating and adding gadgets
Creation of gadgets with Gadtools uses a different method compared to the way Gadtools creates menus. Instead of providing an array of structs and calling the creation function once we now need to call the creation function for each individual gadget separately. The CreateGadget() function also needs the pointer to the previous gadget so that it can create a linked list. To get a "previous" pointer for the very first call to CreateGadget() we need to call CreateContext().
CreateGadgets: MOVE.L GadBase(PC),a6 ; a6 = GadBase
LEA.L WinGGList(PC),a0 ; APTR to gadget list
JSR CreateContext(a6)
MOVEA.L d0,a0 ; APTR Gadget
TST.L d0 ; Is the result null?
BEQ.B .ErrOut ; Yes. That is an error
To make it possible to use a loop to create the gadgets I create a simple table with the "kind", the NewGadet pointer and the taglist pointer for each gadget like this:
DC.L CYCLE_KIND,.OptionsGG,.OptionsTL
DC.L 0
The code that creates the gadgets then keeps calling CreateGadget() until it reaches the kind of 0 that indicates the end of the table. Later on some of the individual gadget pointers may be required to update the status during the running of the program. For this purpose the MyGadgets array is used in the routine below.
MOVE.L VisualInfo(PC),d7
LEA.L .GGArray(PC),a5 ; APTR information array
LEA.L MyGadgets(PC),a4 ; APTR GG Pointer storage
.NextGG MOVE.L (a5)+,d0 ; ULONG Kind
BEQ.B .Done ; Zero kind? End of array
MOVE.L (a5)+,a1 ; APTR NewGad
MOVE.L d7,gng_VisualInfo(a1) ; Place VisualInfo
MOVE.L (a5)+,a2 ; APTR taglist
JSR CreateGadget(a6)
TST.L d0 ; Result is null?
BEQ.B .ErrOut ; Yes. bail out
MOVEA.L d0,a0 ; APTR Gadget
MOVE.L a0,(a4)+ ; Store pointer for later
BRA.b .NextGG
The start of the linked list of gadgets is stored in the location named WinGGList. This pointer is later needed to free all the gadgets from memory. Luckily that only takes a single call and does not require each gadget to be freed individually.
The WinGGList pointer is also used to attach the gadgets to the window, which is a two step action. First the list is added to the window and then the list is refreshed. This last step ensures that all gadgets show the correct state.
.Done MOVE.L IntBase(PC),a6 ; a6 = IntBase
MOVE.L MainWin(PC),a0 ; APTR Window
MOVE.L WinGGList(PC),a1 ; APTR Gadget List
MOVEQ #0,d0 ; UWORD Position
MOVEQ #-1,d1 ; WORD Numgad (-1 = all)
JSR _LVOAddGList(a6)
MOVE.L WinGGList(PC),a0 ; APTR Gadget List
MOVE.L MainWin(PC),a1 ; APTR Window
MOVEQ #-1,d0 ; WORD Numgad (-1 = all)
JSR _LVORefreshGList(a6)
.ErrOut RTS
Processing messages
When the user interacts with the elements of the window (e.g. selects a menu or clicks a gadget) an IDCMP message is sent to the message port of the window. It is up to the program to wait for these messages. This can be done with the Exec function WaitPort() which puts the program to sleep until a message arrives on the port.
.WaitMsg MOVE.L 4.W,a6 ; a6 = ExecBase
MOVE.L .WinPort(PC),a0 ; APTR MsgPort of window
JSR _LVOWaitPort(a6)
When the call to WaitPort() returns the message can be retrieved and examined. The Window has Gadtools gadgets, which means that the Gadtools message functions must be used to retrieve and reply the message. This goes as follows:
.NextMsg MOVE.L GadBase(PC),a6 ; a6 = GadBase
MOVE.L .WinPort(PC),a0 ; APTR msgPort
JSR GT_GetIMsg(a6)
MOVE.L d0,.Msg ; APTR IntuiMessage
BEQ.B .Loop ; None? Wait for the next one
Please note that when WaitPort() returns multiple messages could be waiting on the port. It is therefore important to continue to retrieve and process messages and only call WaitPort() again after GT_GetIMsg() has returned null indicating that no more messages remain.
Also important to note is that with Gadtools there may be messages on the port that are for the internal use of Gadtools only. In that case the call to GT_GetIMsg() will either return the next message (that is not internal to Gadtools) or NULL. This means that it is not impossible for the first call to GT_GetIMsg() to return NULL.
The im_Class member of the message will indicate the class of message that has been received. This could for example be IDCMP_MENUPICK for user menu interaction or IDCMP_GADGETUP for user gadget interaction.
After the program has finished with the contents of the message it must be replied to the system so that its memory can be freed.
MOVE.L GadBase(PC),a6 ; a6 = GadBase
MOVE.L .Msg(PC),a1 ; APTR IntuiMessage
JSR GT_ReplyIMsg(a6)
After calling GT_ReplyIMsg() the contents of the message should not be touched again.
Processing gadget messages
When the user interacts with a gadget the message received on the port will be of the IDCMP_GADGETUP class. The im_IAddress member of the message will contain the address of the gadget the user interacted with. This can then be user to read the gg_UserData field of the gadget struct.
.GadgetUp MOVE.L im_IAddress(a1),a0 ; APTR originating Gadget
MOVE.L gg_UserData(a0),d0 ; ULONG Command
CMPI.W #CMD_OPTIONS,d0 ; Was it the options gadget?
BNE.B .NotOptionsGG ; No. Skip the next part
ADD.W im_Code(a1),d0 ; Add selected option ID.
.NotOptionsGG ADDI.W #SRC_GADGET,d0 ; Add source of command
MOVE.W d0,Command ; Set the command
BRA.B .MsgDone
For cycle gadgets Gadtools places the ID of the user's new current selection in the im_Code field of the message.
Processing menu messages
Menu interaction causes IDCMP_MENUPICK messages to be received on the port. Unfortunately the Menu and MenuItem structs do not contain a UserData field. To get around this issue Gadtools will store the user data for each menu and item directly after the Menu or MenuItem struct. The im_Code field of the message will contain the menunumber of the menu or item that the user interacted with, which can be used with the ItemAddress() function of Intuition to get the address of the Menu or MenuItem struct.
.MenuPick MOVE.W im_Code(a1),d0 ; UWORD Menu number
BEQ.B .MsgDone ; Zero? No menu
MOVE.L WinMenu(PC),a0 ; APTR Menu
MOVE.L IntBase(PC),a6 ; a6 = IntBase
JSR _LVOItemAddress(a6)
TST.L d0 ; Check the resulting address
BEQ.B .MsgDone ; Null? No menu found
MOVEA.L d0,a0 ; APTR MenuItem
MOVE.L mi_SIZEOF(a0),d0 ; Userdata stored after struct
ADDI.W #SRC_MENU,d0 ; Add source of command
MOVE.W d0,Command ; Store command
BRA.B .MsgDone
For this example the only menu elements that will produce a message are menu items. This means that the addresses returned by ItemAddress() will always be of a MenuItem struct (and never of a Menu struct). This makes calculating the end of the struct to find the userdata quite straightforward.
Updating the window
The example program has an "Options" menu item as well as an "Options" cycle gadget. When the user changes the selection on one it is up to the program to update the selection on the other. Of course this is just a trivial example, but it shows how a program can update its menu and its gadgets to reflect changes in its internal state.
Updating the cycle gadget
Updating the cycle gadget is straightforward thanks to the Gadtools GT_SetGadgetAttrs() function. It takes a taglist with the new attributes in which we use the GTCY_Active tag to change the ID of the gadget's current selection.
The "Command" contains the source of the command (gadget or menu), the command itself and in the case of CMD_OPTIONS the command will also contain the ID of the new selection. To update the gadget all we need is the option ID.
MOVE.W Command(PC),d7 ; UWORD Command, Source + Option
MOVE.L MyGadgets+8(PC),a0 ; APTR Cycle gadget
MOVE.L MainWin(PC),a1 ; APTR Window
SUB.L a2,a2 ; APTR Requester = null
LEA.L .UpdateTags(PC),a3 ; APTR Taglist
ANDI.W #$F,d7 ; UBYTE Keep only the option ID
MOVE.W d7,6(a3) ; Place in taglist
JSR GT_SetGadgetAttrs(a6)
.UpdateTags: DC.L GTCY_Active,0,TAG_END
Updating the menu
Gadtools unfortunately does not provide any convenience functions for updating the menu. Before any part of the menu can be updated it needs to be removed from the window with the Intuition function ClearMenuStrip(). Then the menu can be updated by modifying the structures that make up the menu. After that the menu can be added to the window again by calling ResetMenuStrip().
Only the "options" part of the menu needs to be updated. The MenuItem structs that are part of it can be found using the menunumber of the "options" menu:
MOVEQ #1,d0 ; UWORD Menunumber
MOVE.L WinMenu(PC),a0 ; APTR Menu
JSR _LVOItemAddress(a6)
The address found points to the top of the three menu items that make up the "Options" menu. Only the selected item should have the CHECKED flag set. The following routine loops over the MenuItem structs and sets the flag for the correct item and removes it from all the other ones. D7 already contains the command + option code.
.NextItem MOVE.L d0,a0 ; APTR MenuItem
TST.L d0 ; Null?
BEQ.B .MenuEnd ; Yes. No more items
MOVE.L mi_SIZEOF(a0),d1 ; Get the item's command
CMP.L d7,d1 ; Same as current command?
BEQ.B .SetCheck
ANDI.W #~CHECKED,mi_Flags(a0) ; Clear the CHECKED flag
BRA.B .CheckDone
.SetCheck ORI.W #CHECKED,mi_Flags(a0) ; Set the CHECKED flag.
.CheckDone MOVE.L mi_NextItem(a0),d0 ; APTR Next MenuItem
BRA.B .NextItem ; Keep processing.
Wrapping Up
There is a bit more functionality in the full source code than I've highlighted here. There is for example also the use of the "Esc" key to close the window. And there is an "About" function that opens a simple requester. My C tutorial that was published on the Amiga-News.de website contains more information on why certain things are done in a particular way - and these things are also true for this assembly example so you may want to give that a read as well.